Polkville Baptist Church
Friday, March 28, 2025
Faith, Love, Endurance

Infant and Preschool Clothing CloseT

NOW OPEN FROM 9:00 am - 11:00 am
on the 3rd Saturday of the each month
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." 
Matthew 19:14
If you have any questions or comments, please email clothingcloset@polkvillebaptist.com
Our mission is to serve others with the resources God has provided us and to share the love of Christ with those we come in contact with. We minister by providing baby items to families in the community that are in need of assistance for their children. 
The Clothing Closet is OPEN
the 3rd Saturday of each month.
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Serving the Polkville Community and Cleveland County since March 2005
General Information  
Open on the 3rd Saturday of each month
 Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Polkville Baptist Church
4214 Polkville Road
Come to the Welcome Center
Items Available: Please remember items are provided based on availability
Baby Clothing Bibs, Hats, & Socks Cribs
(0-24 months & 2T-5T) Diapers & Wipes High Chairs
Baby Shoes Diaper Bags Bouncer Seats
Blankets Car Seats Bath Tubs
Crib Sheets Strollers Swings
Click here to view limits available at each visit.
The limits are set up so that each child has an opportunity to receive items.
What to bring
  • Picture ID for parent/guardian
  • Social Security or Medicaid card for each child
    To view a sample application, please click here.
    An application must be filled out during Clothing Closet hours and will be provided by a Clothing Closet representative.
    We accept donations of clothing sizes 0-24 months and 2T-5T, as well as any other baby items and furniture.
    We also accept donations of diapers size newborn to 6, wipes, and financial donations.
    If you have any questions please send us an email with the link provided: clothingcloset@polkvillebaptist.com